The following commodities are banned on ALL services of MAILMAN CARGO:
Drugs and Narcotics (Illegal)
Firearms, parts thereof and ammunition
Precious & Semi-Precious Items
Commodities banned by Law at any given time without prior notice
All IATA Restricted Items and Dangerous goods
Conditions Apply. Specific items could be cleared as per prevailing Security/Operational norms.
Articles and substances having a mass explosion hazard.
Articles and substances having a projection hazard.
Articles and substances having a fire hazard and/or a minor blast hazard.
Non-flammable, non-toxic gas.
Substances liable to spontaneous combustion.
Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases.
Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxide.
Toxic and Infectious Substances.
Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods ,Prohibited and Restricted Articles
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